Notices: Argument. Plot outline. What's in a name?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Novel Stats

Metrics for HAPPY, THE END

Daily Word Count: 600 today, 8k total (out of a likely 40-50k)

Inspirations: New age music

The good:

She observed me. Then sighed. “It's too bad you're the hero. You'd make a good sorcerer – always looking for shortcuts. Dark roads open and move with the wind, Fin. Catch them while you can and don't stop to make a map."

Bad writing skill that needs to go away: How do I write about philosophy without sounding like a prig? I don't want my character to start spouting Christopher-Paolini-esque Levi musings that have nothing to do with the plot. Tread carefully here...

Chapter 4 sucks right now. I went back today and fixed some issues that had been bothering me with Chapter 3. I changed Fin's motivation for going on the quest and I think it works better. Still, I think I need to make it more urgent.


Aprilynne Pike said...

That's a nice sentence. Phylisophical.:)(sp?)

Levi Nunnink said...

Thanks for stopping by, M.