Metrics for HAPPY, THE ENDWeekend Word Count: 1,000 today, 8k total (out of a likely 40-50k)
Inspirations: Jeremy Enigk (he's going to be the soundtrack for this book).
The good:I could feel my heart go a little faster now. The forest always did that to me; especially the places where the trees were all bony and bare; or in the deep groves where the ground was so wet that my feet sunk in and moss was on everything – even the rocks. The Ghoulies didn't go there; neither did the Rooks.
Bad writing skill that needs to go away: Total re-write of the first chapter, which is going to effect the other chapters too. Is it bad that I keep having to change the beginning?
I totally re-did the setting. I was operating in a vague Fantasy, castles, villages, kingdoms setting. Now I'm in a slightly post-apocalyptic/fantasy setting. It's freeing because it's much more specific and compelling. My characters can shoot guns but there's kings, knights, princesses and castles too. This may be a huge mistake but it's helping right now...