Notices: Argument. Plot outline. What's in a name?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Novel Stats

Metrics for HAPPY, THE END

Daily Word Count: 400 today, 12.692k total (out of a likely 60-80k)

Inspirations: Rosie Thomas, Anberlin, Sufjan Stevens

The good:
“It’s a Train Station,” Lilith said.

As we came closer we saw that she was right: Just of the tracks stood a concrete platform, strewn with rotten leaves and pine needles. Four rusty benches sat towards the back; one had been wrenched from its footings and lay twisted in a heap. At one end there were the remains of a ticket booth.

Bad writing skill that needs to go away:
I've been lazy this past week writing-wise. I need to get back in a groove.


Whew! The holidays are over and work has calmed down enough for me to return to my book. I've missed writing it. I've decided to let my characters get lost in the woods and stumble upon a haunted mine.

For some reason I love corny haunted stuff. Haunted houses, haunted hotels, and now haunted mines. There's something cool and oddly likable about it.


Jodi Meadows said...

I like silly haunted things, too, but mostly just stories and the like.

Not too fond of haunted houses during halloween--the main goal seems to be to shock the girls and make them scream, and I'm a prime target. :D

Levi Nunnink said...

Yeah - I should clarify. I don't like genuinely shocking, gory haunted stuff. I'm not a horror fan, at all.

I'm more into gloomy, autmny stuff. Places you go that just look haunted.

Don't know if I'm making a lot of sense... :-)