Daily Word Count: 420 today 17.8k total (out of a likely 60-80k)
Inspirations: Steven King, Rosie Thomas, Anberlin, Sufjan Stevens
The good:
It seemed odd to sit down and eat just after such a harrowing ordeal but I found myself rather hungry. We sat in a small circle on the tracks, breaking our bread. My eyes continued to stray down the track to where everything vanished in a fist of darkness. It would be better to face that on a full stomach.
Today is definitely an in-between scene. I'm trying to make the most of it by focusing on developing Penelope. I'm really enjoying writing her. She's blossomed in my mind over the past few days. It's taken me a while to figure her out though. I originally wrote her as flirty and prissy. Wrong!
I don't know why I tried to write a character like that. I don't like those sort of girls. Why did I think it would be good to write a book about one? Things are much better now.
BTW, I just sent my characters into a tunnel full of (Zombies? Vampires?) that looks like this:
Here's a nice lyric:
And he has tried to swim the stream,
Oh woe betide the willow wand,
And woe betide the bush and briar,
For you broke beneath my true love's hand
When strength did fail and limbs did tire
And woe betide you Annan Waters
By night you are a gloomy river,
And over you I'll build a bridge
That never more true love can sever.
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