Daily Word Count: 716 today, 6.9k total (out of a likely 40-50k)
Inspirations: Not much tonight. Maybe a little of The Silver Chair.
The good:
“I can tell you three things for certain and then I will tell you no more. First, if you complete your quest, you will surely kill Johnny Cyclops. Second, only one person can guide you on your quest and he is Jack Christian of King's Vale. And finally, avoid the Singing Cannibal Gypsies; you'll thank me for that one.”
Bad writing skill that needs to go away: Is Fin smart or simple? I feel like I lost his character in this last chapter. Hattie feels unfocused. Hopefully she finds more direction as I go. Where the heck is my setting? Does the forest have any scents? Is the air hot or cold, humid or brisk? What do to the trees even look like, for cryin' out loud? I can feel some serious setting coming in the second draft.
Finally I finshed the chapter! Yay! That's three. It could be a lot better but it could be massively worse. I feel like I managed to get the pertinant details out without too much expository dialogue. I think I answered the right questions and left some good ones to figure out along the way. (Why do I need to tell everything in the first place?) This chapter is quite rough and no-doubt is due for some serious revision but I feel like it's solid enough to work from.
Current mood:
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