Notices: Argument. Plot outline. What's in a name?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Coffee adict

I've been trying to quit coffee lately. I went cold-turky on Wednesday. Things were going okay until Saturday when I woke in a tired, grumpy mood and couldn't shake it. Sunday I felt like Ewan Mcgregor in Trainspotting. Levi Nunnink: A cauntionary tale.

I'll just tough it out,
I thought. Then I tried to write. I lasted maybe five minutes. The inspiration well was not just dry - it had been buldozed, paved over and replaced by an office complex. The connections between my desire to write and the amount of coffee in my bloodstream are disturbing but I was too tired to contemplate at that point.

I broke down around 4:00 PM and feverishly guzzled two cups o' joe; one with cream the other black. Sweet Mary help me, I'm a weak man.

Now I'm chomping at the bit to crank out some more paragraphs. I'm looking forward to the next few scenes.

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