Notices: Argument. Plot outline. What's in a name?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday links and excuses...

It's been an interesting and non-productive-writing-wise week. I haven't wrote a line since Wednesday. Speaking of Wednesday, it was an interesting day. I woke up feeling feverish and sick but the thermomator kept lying and saying I was fine. Nonetheless I decided to "work from bed" for the day, which consists of 20 percent actual work, 20 percent YouTube MS3TK videos and 60 percent sleep. In the middle of this, I got a call from my work partner who informed me that we had lost "the big contract" and just like that 80 percent of my income went "poof!". Interesting...

I'm not freaked out by this development. The same thing happened to me about three months ago (then I freaked out) but everything worked out fine. This smells suspiciously like one of those trust in The Lord moments. I spent the rest of the week scrambling to get some new contracts and writing got pushed to the side. Tomorrow I'll pick things back up.

So for some muching, here's a few links:


Simon said...


Sorry to hear about your job. Of course, things will work out; the Lord is exceedingly and abundantly faithful. I did miss your excerpts and progress this week; I hope you can get back to writing soon.
Those analogies were priceless!
And yes, the British version of the Office is still better than the US version, even though that version has hit its own stride.

Lunch this week? My treat. I'm rolling in money, like a man who has caught on fire and has been taught from his early childhood to stop, drop, and roll.
Did that work? Hmm...

Levi Nunnink said...

The Lord is very faithful - even when we are faithless. I did my writing this morning and it felt good. I'll post an update today.

I'd love to do lunch this week. Sorry I flaked last week. Things really just got away from me.

And BBC Office does rock. I need to check out the US version though...