Notices: Argument. Plot outline. What's in a name?

Friday, October 27, 2006

Novel Stats

Metrics for HAPPY, THE END

Daily Word Count:
400 today? (mostly scattered edits so it's hard to tell), 7.15k total (out of a likely 40-50k)

Inspirations: The Life Aquatic, a lady I saw in the video store.

The good:
Never in my life had a person's features inspired such drastic impressions in me. Even sitting in her chair, Francis was almost as tall as me. Her mouth was wide, sensual, and smiling so sweet that you could almost taste sugar. She had dark enormous eyes, almost like a cow. Her jaw was hard and sharp. She looked nothing like a woman – or rather she looked too much like a woman. Every inch of her was so fiercely beautiful and defined that the overall impression was inhuman. Just seeing her was the shock of viewing a monster and I had to keep from averting my eyes.

Bad writing skill that needs to go away: Less words. Be more percise. Don't ramble so much.

Still in clean up mode of the first three chapters. I think I've got Fin back in focus but there's still work to do on him. He's a hard character for me. He's my protag' and my villian. He's also not very much like me. I'm finding that all my female characters fall into certain personality traits when I'm not paying attention. I had to go through and fix a bunch of personality inconsistancies with Hattie because of that. She needs work too but I understand her better now.

Pretty soon I'm going to have to start on chapter 4... *augh*

1 comment:

Michele said...

I like the desciption, doesn't seem too wordy. However, did you do her hair? I can't remember. I like the part about being human.