Jack is a huge Steve Irwin fan (we haven't broke the sad news to him) and he really wanted to see the crocodiles. So after him asking for almost an hour, I finally checked the map. I was hoping to see something like "Crocodile Pit" but no luck. I had break it to Jack that all the crocodiles went home. The last thing we visited was the reptile house, which is always like walking into a guided tour of my phobias. But towards the end I heard Jack's excited voice (if you know him, you know what I'm talking about) proclaiming that they did have crocodiles! Sure enough, he was right. There, behind a glass case, sat the creature, pit and all. Jack happily reminded me many times afterwards that all the crocodiles did not go home. I'm going to remember that for a long time.
Being a parent is a lot like having Stockholm Syndrome. Today was hot and I had to leg it around a park, chasing after tiny individuals who have the same outlook on life as Marie Antoinette. These people continue to devour my time and money and mostly treat me like I'm their butler. And yet, I've never loved anything like I love those wicked little kids.
I look at Jack and somewhere along the line he stopped being a toddler and now he's a boy. And before that he stopped being a baby. I want him to always go to the zoo with me and look for crocodiles no matter how hot it is, or how tired I am, or how much I actually hate reptiles. I love my captors. Stockholm Syndrome.

More zoo photos
Something I wrote:
When she woke, Lilith’s skull felt like it had been cracked with a hammer. She attempted to rise than fell back to the grass with a groan. She could banish the pain with a spell and she searched her rusty memory for the one that would do the job. Finally she muttered a string of words and, after a moment, rose to her feet. But everything was still wrong. The spell would not change that.
Your kids are so cute. You sound like you have a great time with them. :D
Thanks, Jodi. We have a lot of fun.
Stockholm Syndrome . . .Hahaha!! That is the most apt description of parenting I've ever heard!:)
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