Notices: Argument. Plot outline. What's in a name?

Monday, May 07, 2007

Encouraging story...

About three or four years ago I swapped OWW crits with a very nice writer named Sandra McDonald. I don't even remember what work I'd submitted to be critted but I do remember that she had some very insightful criticism. I also remember that her work had a great feel to it and that her dialogue was extremely witty. I still remember a few lines from the peice I read.

Flash forward to this week, I was browsing the OWW Hall of Fame and I noticed a line annoucing that Sandra McDonald's first novel, The Outback Stars was being released by Tor this week. Wow!

Sure enough:

It's a great cover too.

To see a person who's persisted for many years finally break the publishing barrier - well... I find that extremely encouraging.

Congratulations, Sandra! I'll be looking for The Outback Stars the next time I'm in Borders.

1 comment:

written voize said...

that is every encouraging... I was just blogging about dialogue, not very confident in it right about now. But still, with time anything is possible as it is with Sandra McDonald.