It's interesting to think back to where I was when I bought my last Pumpkins album. I remember the exact place and time. I was sixteen years old, driving down to San Francisco for the first time ever with my own driver's license. (If anyone has ever driven in San Francisco, you'll know why I was nervous.) My dad was riding with me. On the way down we stopped in Sacramento at Dimple Records and I bought Machina/The Machines of God by The Smashing Pumpkins. I listened to it the rest of the way down to the bay, but not too loud, cause I didn't want to bug my Dad. I've lightened up a little since then.
I was driving down to San Franscisco to check out a multimedia trade school that I wanted to attend. (Back in the day, you didn't say "Web Design", you said "Multimedia".) The reason I had to attend this school was because I was planning to marry my girlfriend and I knew that a wife would lead to kids, kids would lead to bills, and bills would lead to more bills - therefore I needed a hot job. One that didn't require a four-year degree (did I mention that I really wanted to get married?). With The Smashing Pumpkins on the stero, driving over the bay bridge, a man in control of my own destinty, a bro going places, I felt pretty cool.
Two months before I was going to move down to SF and officially enroll, the school closed down. The move to SF never happened. I know more about myself know and I'm very glad that it all fell apart. I think it would've really freaked me out living in a big city. I have an extremely low tolerence for city noise and concrete.
Seven years later.
Me and the love of my life.
My boy. The oldest of the litter.
My little girl, AKA: hot competition for the love my life.
The newest and best-behaved Nunnink.
So I did marry my girlfriend. And marriage has led to kids. I can't claim wild success. As a matter of fact, I've learned how unimpressive I am as a person. But I've also learned quite a bit about life, love, Jesus, and all that important stuff. And now the Smashing Pumpkins just put out another song. A lot has happened in these seven years.
Dude, you have such a beautiful family. That's definitely a reason to smile!
Thanks, Jodi. I'm a-smilin'. :-)
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