The above photo (minus the wry smile) pretty much describes my current state of existence over the past three weeks. In short: I'm exhausted, unkempt, and I have a big honkin' zit on my forehead. These three weeks have been some of the craziest of my life and (if anyone has been checking) my blog, not to mention my writing, has suffered.
I wish I could say that I've been curing cancer, hiking in Europe, or finally pursuing a career in the NBA -- but nope. The truth is much more boring. I took on too much work, my business parter took a vacation, we hired a new employee -- and I've been working 15 hour days just to keep up. I zombie home each night around midnight, only to begin again at the crack of dawn. This is the bad part of being a business owner. Over the past few weeks, I've harbored fantasies of quitting and going back to work for The Man. No one told me that the worst part of business would be when it was "good".
In other news, I love to write. Absence truly makes the heart grow fonder. Trust me, business is one thing but art, writing is another. I've lost all my love for 'business', the methods of making money. I could walk away from it and never look back if I didn't need to feed my family. But writing always is itching at the back of my mind. And never more than when I can't.
I finally have a free weekend coming up and my wife suggested that I take a day for just myself (either she's being really sweet or I've been really annoying lately) and after reviewing my options (skydiving, mountain climbing, running with bulls) it occurred to me that I just wanted to write. I enjoy telling this story. I need to finish it and I've been away too long.
So where was I...?